Sunday, April 26, 2009

Aids/HIV Vaccines

The following report takes its place among the mounting evidence of US and multinational corporate incursions on the fundamental rights of the human race ­ to survival itself. The pattern is clear for anyone and everyone who has cared enough to go beyond the drivel from mainstream media and access the wealth of information that has been coming through the pipeline for decades now, to wit: that there is in fact a decision that was taken by a small number of this planet's power elite (yes, a conspiracy) radically to depopulate the planet of all but around 300 million people. This is detailed in a document called "The Strecker Memorandum" and it is available elsewhere to anyone who wants to look for it. By now it has become a very well known document among people who have spent some time researching the origin of AIDS.

Robert Strecker was one of the first to identify the true nature of the AIDS epidemic. He and Leonard Horowitz (who wrote a great book entitled "EMERGING VIRUSES: AIDS AND EBOLA" ) have, in my view, correctly identified the true nature of the conspiracy, and the fact of the matter is that Strecker actually found the memorandum, the smoking gun, from The World Health Organisation.

The World Health Organisation (WHO) (and others) actually in 1972 called for the CREATION of a virus that would attack the immune system itself, and which has all the attributes of the AIDS virus ...

Leonard Horowitz, PhD, actually discovered the interm "progress" reports filed by Dr Gallo et al, as to his efforts to create the AIDS (HTLV 1) virus spliced from the bovine leukemia virus and the sheep visna virus. Gallo was to be hailed as the co-discoverer of the AIDS virus in 1982. For those who have been following the debate and who believe with virologist Dr Peter Deusberg (who had CIA connections himself) that AIDS is the result of a confluence of co-factors, and that the actual AIDS virus has never been identified ­ that is plain disinformation designed to take the heat and light off the people who actually put it together.

That there is mass genocide going on RIGHT NOW is indisputable, except, perhaps, by a few system apologist diehards who also think that global overheating is still "unproven". The AIDS pandemic was designed to depopulate Africa, (and elsewhere) ­ which it is now doing. The assumption of the power elite is that the world is over populated, which it very well may be, but that is another story. Regardless, they think that the best way to bring down the population is through the dissemination of killer viruses, rather than through birfth control, education, or rising living standards.

Anyhow, how is the development of an AIDS vaccine tied in with this conspiracy? Why, you may well ask, if they want everyone to get AIDS, would they develop a vaccine against it? The answer is that NO VACCINE THAT I HAVE INVESTIGATED ACUALLY WORKS AGAINST THE DISEASE IT IS SUPPOSED TO WORK AGAINST. Moreover, if you wanted to spread a disease to millions of people, what better way than to "immunise" them against it.

If you think that this is just "conspiracy theory" nonsense, consider this:
1. Reputable research indicates that the early polio vaccine campaign in Africa was one of the first and main transmission vehicles for AIDS. It perfectly fits the epidemiology, and the vaccine is an acknowledged source of SV-40, a virus which is known to produce brain and other cancers. In fact even today, there is no guarantee whatever that any vaccine you may be allowing to be injected into your or your child's body won't be contaminated by a species-jumping virus.

As for the assumption that the polio vaccine stopped the polio epidemic, think (and look) again. The research is there. Salk said that the Sabin vaccine was dangerous and Sabin said the same about the Salk vaccine. Robert Mendelshon MD said that they were both right.In fact, early studies made in the 1950s showed that given adequate vitamin C, NO CASE OF POLIO EVER BECAME PARALYTIC. It's all in Katherine Smith's new book THE CANCER PREVENTION HANDBOOK. Needless to say, this study was suppressed.

2. The more vaccines that are being created ... the worse our health is becoming. Is there a causal connection? You'd better believe it. Most vaccines contain a cocktail not only of viruses, live and "attenuated" but other garbage as well, including mercury as a preservative. Mercury is the most toxic non radioactive element on the Periodic Table. How much does a child get? Any amount is too much, and the actual amounts vary. However, shot into the body of a days or weeks old baby, it can and does cause "adverse reactions". Do the manufacturers know all this. Of course they do. Do the doctors? Many of them do these days because it has been hard to keep the population completely ignorant, but vaccines actually help their long term "business": they contribute to chronic illnesses. A sick population is also a more compliant.

3. What are some of the "adverse reactions" to vaccines? These can range from mild fevers to autism, brain damage and death. Less than 10% of these are ever reported. Doctors just hate to report "adverse reactions". However, there are millions of adverse reactions every year. There is now an autism epidemic, reliably associated with the MMR and other vaccines. In some places 1 in 150 children are developing this debilitating disease, usually shortly after receiving their vaccinations. Most doctors still call this "coincidence".

4. We are being dumbed down, and quickly, the better to establish the Brave New World of Multinational Corporationism. Here in New Zealand where there is a controlled press, it is difficult to get the real skinny, unless you're on the Net. Consequently most people still think that the pharmaceutical companies and the government have our best interests at heart, rather than money and power. To them I say "good luck to you". Fact is, pharmaceutical companies and governments seem to like killing, maiming or just making millions and millions of people sick. It's just kind of pathetic how many people still trust them.

5. Don't think that the killing will stop with Africa, either. I think that those who would dramatically reduce the world's population are working to do that on a number of different levels. One of them is the cancer epidemic, helped along by known environmental carcinogens, vaccines and the super carcinogen of them all: fluoride. But the human race is proving to have a stronger immune system that I believe the Controllers at first thought. People are not dying off as fast at the schedule called for. So now comes Plan B, the vaccine against AIDS. Only you see, this vaccine not going to be voluntary. It is going to be mandatory. Compulsory. And if that happens, my friends, be careful. Be very very careful.
This kind of thing must be stopped now, in its lethal tracks. In fact ALL VACCINES must now be put on hold as having proven themselves positively dangerous, indeed profoundly debilitating and a menace to the future health of the entire human race. We have been brainwashed, ladies and gentlement, into believing that vaccines are good for the health of our children, when all the impartial evidence indicates the contrary. We have sacrificed our health and the health of millions of our children on the alter of corporate profit and professional greed. Let it stop now.
From: Sheri Nakken


  1. Absolutely, positively correct!!!! It's a pity that the majority of the world's population are sheeple. Anyone with an average to high IQ viewing the world's events unfolding unfettered by naive narrowmindedness or cowardly denial can see plain as day, the evil agenda and acts of the New World Order. 911 is now proven irrefutably and scientifically to be demolition and beyond any reasonable doubt to be an inside job. This displays their complete sociopathic lack of value for human life. They did this as an excuse to grab Iraq oil, insert a political infrastructure and promote the manufactured spectre of terrorism to scare the world into accepting the one world government. They engineered the credit crisis to net them billions, and weaken the economies of nations making the people desperate, scared and willing to accept the NWO. They then engineered the obviously lab-made swine flu to start the reduction of the world's population and scare the public further into accepting draconian quarantining and forced vaccinations.
    They've also been paving the way for the path of least resistance. Spraying the cities with chemtrail toxins and bioagents has caused cancers and other diseases to skyrocket. They've also promoted obesity through the introduction of the adenovirus AD 36 that turns normal cells into fat cells. On the propaganda front they've subjugated men through their portrayal in the media as incompetent, dumb and untrustworthy and passing laws that supress men's right such as anti-smacking legisation, punishment for defending yourself with violence and bias toward women in family courts. They do this because men are the more physically dangerous and most likely to challenge authority. Global warming is now shown to be rubbish, and politically motivated (The earth is NOT warming and solar activity is vastly more responsible for fluctuations,cosmic ray -ions causing sulphur dioxide, ozone and water clusters to form that attract water vapour and cause cloud formation). It's yet another way to scare people into accepting the NWO and to make billions in ridiculous carbon trading scams. They also possess weather altering technology developed by the greatly underrated super genius Nikola Tesla. In principle it's very simple, scalar wave radiation heats up sections of the ionosphere causing extreme weather. They use this to further weaken nations, scare people, promote the global warming scam, and convince many that religious apocalyptic prophesy is coming true. They intend to tie this in with a one world 'spirituality' or religion to control the populous, it will also include the Zacharia Sitchin 'Annunaki' alien lore possibly as a precursor to revealing a fake alien external threat to unite the world under the NWO.
    Need any more evidence? Wait! There's more!!! They're also in the process of creating an internet 2, a new restricted, controlled internet where freedom of speech will disappear so they can control the flow of information and stop the growing spread of awareness of and resistance aginst the NWO. They've already dared useing the tried and true fascist propaganda to rationalise their actions, they've said 'Terrorists' are using 'File sharing/movie piracy to fund their activities which include of course- kiddie porn! Only the most gullible will believe this ludicrous assertion.
    In short, the evidence is overwhelming and it's refreshing to see more people opening their eyes to combat the spread of this great evil.
    Keep up the good work

  2. Hi I think that the aids or HIV is not that easy to solved so I think that a vaccine is not enough for this problem ,also the colonoscopy risks is always there so take care of it, aids affective the immune system so a cool can kill you very ironic dont you think bye.

  3. Hello i just waht to say this disease is in the street protection is mandatory if you don't use it so you will get this problem simple as that i Buy viagra along with condoms cause this will a sure my health .
